What is Companybaker?

A flexible tool for detailed project management, tasks, human resources and customer relationships, including invoicing, electronic signing, and smart AI assistants to facilitate work. You can customize the functionality yourself at any time in the administration.


Find everything in one place with just a few clicks, no more laboriously gathering information from multiple systems. Increase team productivity and make planning easier.


Get an instant overview of the progress of orders and projects, task statuses, hours worked, team time availability, and invoicing.


Configurability and flexibility - if you are missing some functionality, we can add it according to your needs. You can also make minor changes yourself.


Reduce error rate and administrative burden by automating routine tasks, thanks to automatic checks, and with the help of smart AI assistants.


Save time and money that you can devote to business development and added value for customers. Increase your competitiveness and customer satisfaction.


Companybaker has your back

Immediate overview, order, work automation

one place

Everything in one place

Do you want an immediate overview of the company's operations quickly and in one system?

You do not have to collect data from multiple systems and manually consolidate it, Companybaker will present it to you on a silver platter. Projects, sales, human resources, all nicely together. You get an immediate overview of cash flow and can easily predict it in the future. Permissions to individual parts of the system can be set in detail as needed. And you will save money too.



Would you like a customized system but right away and at an affordable price?

No problem. Adjust the system according to your needs while it is running. Companybaker is built on a low code web development platform for creating applications without programming knowledge SystemBaker.com. Thanks to this, almost any functionality can be added at any time.


Digitalization of the company and process automation

Is extensive administration and manual entry of the same data over and over again burdening you?

Reduce unnecessary paperwork and always have documents at hand. Generate, archive, and sign documents electronically. Maintain order with shared documents. Enter data only once and leave routine tasks to the system. The system can automatically generate documents (reports, contracts), send emails, status notifications, and perform automatic checks.


Acceleration of productivity with AI

Do you want to increase productivity with the help of artificial intelligence?

Companybaker uses a variety of AI assistants who can easily generate content based on text or voice input. Tell the system what to do and it will do it for you. These functions can also be further configured and supplemented according to the client's needs.



Would you like to invoice easily with a few clicks?

Are you tired of time-consuming invoicing, don’t want to check if the advance invoice has been paid, set reminders for sending them? Companybaker allows you to issue an invoice quickly with a few clicks directly from the project. The system can also check account movements and match payments.


Capacity Planning

Is team capacity planning exhausting you? Would you like to make the whole process easier?

With Companybaker, capacity planning will be a breeze and you can easily check how busy your team is, what the time availability of individual team members is, and plan vacations. You can easily estimate how long the project will take and thus when the team will have free capacity for the next project.


Integration with external applications

Do you need to work with data from another system or connect a mobile application?

Companybaker can be easily integrated with any third-party systems, e.g., client internal portals, Google services, signature portals, mobile applications, etc.

How can Companybaker help you?


  • You will get one comprehensive tool to meet your company’s requirements, and you will have everything under control in one application. 
  • By streamlining business processes you will save time and money, which you can invest in the development of the company. 
  • You will easily keep track of the status and prosperity of the company, the progress of orders, profitability of projects, clients and suppliers, available human resources.
  • You will organize documents and materials clearly, no more searching through emails.
  • Data is entered into the system once and based on this data, you generate other documents (contracts, tasks, invoices).
  • Documents for employees (contracts, forms, declarations, internal guidelines) can be delivered electronically through the system and even signed electronically.
  • By automating business processes, you will reduce administration, thus saving time, reducing overhead costs, and minimizing the risk of errors.
  • Invoicing for the work done can be done quickly with a few clicks.
  • The operation of Companybaker is intuitive, and employees will quickly get used to it.
  • The functionality of Companybaker can always be adjusted to your needs (processes and screens), if you are missing more complex functionality, we can add it.

Project Manager

  • Increase the efficiency of project management, which will allow you to manage more projects with the same number of people. This will increase the company's survival capabilities. 
  • Improve organization and order in projects (who is currently working on what, which task is blocked or blocking project completion, how much time has already been spent on the project, and related project costs). 
  • With easier and clearer tracking of project status, you can respond more flexibly to changes and control the current state against the plan.
  • For project planning, you can use modern tools like Kanban. You will easily get information about the time availability of individual colleagues, which also makes planning easier.
  • Communication within the team will be more efficient not only with internal but also with external colleagues, as well as with clients and suppliers.
  • Team collaboration will be facilitated as materials and assignments for projects will be centrally stored in one place, no need to search through emails and spreadsheets. All employees will have the most up-to-date version available.
  • Projects can be created manually, from a template, or automatically with the help of an AI assistant.
  • Detailed settings options for each project according to your specific needs.
  • The work done can be invoiced with a few clicks.

Sales Manager

  • Easily and efficiently manage sales, assign them to employees, and easily transfer agreed sales to projects for implementation.
  • Quickly get an overview of sales, their status, and their expected value.
  • Keep a clear record of entities (clients and suppliers), contact details of companies, their billing information, notes and materials from meetings, related sales and projects, invoicing.
  • Improve organization and order in sales (who is currently working on what, which task is blocked or blocking sales completion, how much time has already been spent on the sale).
  • Improve communication within the team and employees will appreciate automatic data extraction from speech - for example, a salesperson on the way back from a meeting records voice notes, and the system extracts structured information from them into text form (e.g., “meeting with the CEO of XY company,” key points of the meeting, etc.). So notes don’t have to be written manually.
  • Sales can be created manually, from a template, or automatically with the help of AI assistant.
  • Companybaker can also facilitate tender processes, making it easier for suppliers to participate and handle formalities thanks to electronic signatures. And it takes significantly less time for the client to organize and evaluate the tender process because the communication will not take place via emails but will be structured through the application.

Team Member

  • Instant overview of your tasks, their status, priority, and required completion date. You immediately know if you are still on track.
  • Ability to record working time on a specific task. You no longer need another application and you immediately know how much time you have spent on the task. You also do not need to forward reports to supervisors, the project manager can easily obtain this information from the system.
  • You have all project and task information in one place, transparently see changes made to tasks. You spend less time gathering information and have more time for work.
  • Communication and collaboration within the team will be more efficient - you have an overview of who is currently working on what, which task is blocked or blocking the completion of your task. Any ambiguities can be discussed with colleagues directly on the task (in the chat tool).
  • Employees have the option to edit their personal information, fill in their time availability (either manually for specific days or generate it for a longer period based on a template) - colleagues can easily find out when they can reach you.
  • Documents (contracts, reports, statements, internal guidelines) can be signed electronically directly in the application.

Do you want to fine-tune the system to your specific needs?


No problem! This is possible because Companybaker is built on a low code web development platform for creating applications even without programming knowledge SystemBaker.com.

The platform contains a large number of configurable parts of applications that have universal use. Available components include file management components, tables with filters, a digital signature component, AI assistants, and more (see more at SystemBaker.com).



Thanks to this, almost any functionality can be added to the Companybaker application (e.g., a specific process for invoice approval or integration with an accounting system). Another advantage is that thanks to the administration of the low-code platform, it is possible to make changes internally, such as changing the sequence of some steps, fine-tuning user screens, or changing email texts, or changing templates, thus saving costs on changes.